zondag 29 juni 2014

shooting for elle with a live stream.

Before i went to hockey camp Friday evening with my little sister and her hockey team i had that shoot of elle with the live stream.

so many people contacted me that they say me or that they where following it. so funny. actually it was really weird and scary to have a camera following you all the time.  How do they do it with those reality shows where a camera follows a family. I would be scared to say just everything.

I was shooting tho with Anniek and Iris of Tjarda models and my great love Jolijn Snijders took our pictures. I have to give also amazing thanks to anita and Guido for the stunning hair and make up!!!!
and good luck to Nicole who injured her hand during shooting.

I think next to all the pictures below. which are screen shots from the live stream and selfies me or other jolijn and Guido.  I think this was it. 

I am going to sleep now. I had a very very very long weekend of partying 😉😉

lots of love

donderdag 26 juni 2014

shooting...... With a live stream.

So tomorrow I am working again. It is like my life is getting busy while I actually should be studying. yesterday I arrived after a 20 hours long flight back from Tokyo.  and tomorrow I am shooting again.

I will be shooting with an amazing photographer tho. I love her. She is soo sweet and fun. But it funny part about this shoot is is that there is a live stream. I don't really know what i have to think about it. I mean.... as model we kind of are used to do everything our way. We change clothes in the middle of the set when it has to be fast. and i think that kind of things are a bit weird on a live stream.

After shooting I am going to my sister her hockey camp. so kind of a little vacation.

xx going to sleep. have a long day tomorrow. 

love you all

maandag 23 juni 2014

more from Tokyo

So I have spend now for about 4 days in Tokyo. Tomorrow morning really early I will leave back to the netherlands.  So tonight we go to something that's called the Robot Cafe I think. or Robot Restaurant. I actually forgot what it was. It is suppose toe be really cool.

I get actually really annoyed about the time difference. Every time I want to send something to people they are still a sleep. luckily we shot in the evening which means I stay awake until late so I can also send people messages when they are awake haha.

let's go back to Tokyo. What I have seen of it.  It is huge.  like If I look out of my hotel window at the 34 floor it looks never ending to me.  The sky is also always grey even when it is 27 degrees Celsius.  which makes it looks like it is 5 degrees Celsius or something. The people are amazing (if they are not drunk. when they are drunk they are the worst I figured out yesterday evening).

They are so polite and nice. They try to help you with everything and they really don't care about you at all. like the man in one of the pictures down. He dresses in a school uniform but nobody even lifts an eye lit.  It is amazing. The food is really good too.

We shot for two days one day in a hotel room in the hotel we were staying with the view of the city in the background and one in the city in a little neighbourhood which is called golden gai. It is very cute and tiny with all little bars and pubs. I wish i could show you already a bit from what we shot. but you know of course that's not okay 😉😉
you can see tho my nails. In a picture below. I love fake nails and those are so nice.

But i am actually going now because it is my last day! bye bye

lots of love

vrijdag 20 juni 2014

A New Day In A New City

I am just checked in my hotel and trying to sleep for a bit. It doesn't really work even with the windows totally blinded. 

I just arrived in Tokyo. I have never been here and I am kind of excited. when I landed on the airport I was tired and pretty annoyed because nobody sleept English. Even not at the passport control and so I almost didn't get in the country. haha

the guy who was waiting for me was so gentle. and the way they run around to do everything good and fast. He was always scared to let me wait.  It is so weird. I also really didn't know that here they drive on the left side of the road and have their steering wheel on the right side. just like in england.

an other thing that I thought was really funny was my way to tokyo from the airport. sometimes the landscape just looks as dutch as I am used to in the netherlands.  Green and flat. and a moment later there are hills and forest.

but the thing that I see the most is how dirty it is. everything is so dirty. except for my hotel hahaha. which I feel like a queen the way they treat me!. but I am going to sleep for an hour. so i am going. oh and sorry I havn't post anything normal in so long

lots of love

maandag 16 juni 2014

a bored woman is a dangerous woman.

So I am in Madrid now. waiting on my plane to Amsterdam. I am coming from Ibiza and have to wait 5 hours on madrid to change flights. 

5 hours!! This is not okay i would say. haha.. I have had 2 hours now already. so still 3 to go. or if i count exactly 3 hours and 6 minutes. I have slept like almost not this night so I am tired and bored. If someone please knows something to do haha...  call me hah I would love you forever.

donderdag 12 juni 2014


So tonight i am going on vacation for 4 days! ! How nice.  Going to ibiza with friends.  see them at Madrid where we both change flights.

So have a nice vacation and congrats to all the girls who finished high school today and got their confirmation.  So have a nice vacation you all. 

dinsdag 10 juni 2014


I am kind of pissed of myself. yesterday I had work and I did some thing stupid.  I thought it was a great idea to go hang on a basketball ring.  So I got too much pressure on my wrist and now it hurts all day already. 

I taped it in to not put any pressure on it now and going to fly with it like this tonight until I have to work tomorrow again. .

wish me luck. 
lots of love

maandag 9 juni 2014

answer to the work out questions.

I know I didn't react directly.  Sorry for that but I have had a crazy busy last two days.  yesterday (or actually today because it is evening now and I am writing this before I go to bed) we shot something really nice. 

But back to why I write this blog.  I think almost every one knows I am very dedicated to the gym lately.  So I posted a picture in instagram. A lot of people (mostly girls😉) asked me what I did to get my abs. 

So let me tell you all at the same time except of telling everyone separately. 
my first intentions of going to the gym was to run for half an hour to make my legs a bit smaller and just so I am in a good shape.  Now I am doing that for a couple of months and every time I start to do some thing else new to.  I am training next to running.  my lower- and upper back, my stomach and I also started to train my butt. 

I can't train my legs easily because I had heavy injuries so I mostly run at the moment.  But we never know maybe that will change.  So what I do to get my abs or just tight stomach because to be honest the abs are far from what I want.  my dad helped me with things I could do and what I like the most are the things in the gym.  Not the things you could be doing home in front of your couch or television. Until now I haven't done any crunch or sit up yet. 

I am going to start with it.  But the things that really changed my abs where when I started training the side and my lower abs. Most of you know how to train your side abs and your lower abs i train with every exercise you move your legs towards your body.  Instead of moving your upper body towards your lower body. 

So look online,  or ask for people of they know exact things to do.  But I would say. run a lot. running is really good to keto every thing going.  tui get your body started in the beginning of the training too. And find your gym stuff you like.  Oh and don't forget to also do your lower back if you train your stomach otherwise you have a change you will get back pain. 

lots of love

zondag 1 juni 2014

You are not a sketch, say no to anorexia

in the picture was suppose to stand. You are not a sketch say no to anorexia. But i cut it a couple of days ago for instagram and can't find the whole version anymore. So we will have to do it with this one.

But i made this version because I think it is absolutely crazy that we have to make this kind of campaigns/pictures. People should not feel like they have to look like those ultra thin unhealthy images that fit drawn by designers.
Nobody likes to see unhealthy looking girls that look like they will dissappear when the wind blows.

How is it possible that even when we are all against it we still don't say anything against it.  We say we don't promote it. But We Also Don't Do Anything Against It. 
Just share it and stand up against the fact that girls still feel like they need to look like this. Especially young girls that don't know any different than that this is what makes a women beautiful.  Because to be honest it is not.....

Lots of love,