So tomorrow I am working again. It is like my life is getting busy while I actually should be studying. yesterday I arrived after a 20 hours long flight back from Tokyo. and tomorrow I am shooting again.
I will be shooting with an amazing photographer tho. I love her. She is soo sweet and fun. But it funny part about this shoot is is that there is a live stream. I don't really know what i have to think about it. I mean.... as model we kind of are used to do everything our way. We change clothes in the middle of the set when it has to be fast. and i think that kind of things are a bit weird on a live stream.
After shooting I am going to my sister her hockey camp. so kind of a little vacation.
xx going to sleep. have a long day tomorrow.
love you all
watched the Liza breakfast show this morning, relaxed en kabelend, soms een beetje attitude + posh accent maar ook ontroerend over het gebruik van je ex'zn naam, leuk!