maandag 28 april 2014

Working for a pretty/toned stomach

There is one thing i always wanted. Everytime i started to work on it I turned out too lazy to finish what I started. But this time I am motivated. Really motivated.
I need a toned stomach. One that you look at and think 'wauw, that has to cost alot of work'.

I am naturally skinny so I don't have to work on that. I always thought I already had strong musles because you always saw them a bit. But it turned out....... nothing.. 
Let me do one crunch and I am laying for dead on the floor.
So maybe that is not the right way to do it for me.

So i decided to start running on a treadmill. (I have weak knees so don't judge me about not running outside).
This was one of the best things i could do. It feels good when you finish. Running 20 minutes one an other day. And it really also helps for all my musles in my body. The musles in my stomach really got better from it.

Next to that showed my dad my some excersice for my back. Because my whole core was really weak my back directly started to hurt when i tried to do my stomach.
Next to that i started three days ago with my stomach again. This excersice really works. Already now.
I think the name of it is a 'powerline'.
So i am going to the gym now  just got myself motivated for today.
Lots of love
Instagram: lizaschwab

zondag 27 april 2014

To do list for when it is raining.

For me it is easy. I almost have my examens so I sit inside all day learning for my examens anyway. I did buy myself a nice present online yesterday evening to make it up.

But okay, a to do list for days when it is raining like it is today.

the first one will sound stupid but because i do it myself all day.
-go do your homework (or any other thing you rather push forwards for school or work)
-a rainy day is a good day to do your taxes
-go online and buy yourself presents 😍
-go search and find things you want to try like: food.  You will be inside so you have the time to search for it and make it. 
-clean your room/house. (Maybe i should start with that to today😢)
-go experiment with nailpolish and nailart even when you never did it before.
- go watch a movie all day long. With a thick blanket and a hot chocolate.
- go to a musea or anything else cultural inside.

I think this is enough. Nobody is waiting on a list of three hours reading time than the rain is already gone 😉😂

Lots of love

Instagram/twitter: @lizaschwab

zaterdag 26 april 2014

Instagram: #WHPappreciateEarth

Instagram has a new tag action which one I totally support. This one is #WHPAPPRECIATEEARTH. 
You go into the wild this weekend. Maybe by helping the nature with cleaning in there. Or working in your garden or do anything good for nature. And take a picture on how amazing beautiful our earth is.

On my facebook (facebook/lizaschwab) I posted alot of videos this week about how we are destroying the earth and some of those are actually really making me cry.

So please go all outside, post your picture of the amazing nature on instagram and use as only tag: #WHPappreciateEarth! !!

Lots of love

Instagram/twitter: @lizaschwab

vrijdag 25 april 2014

Nailart inspiration

I will say at first. I am not the best person to do your nail polish (or my own). It will not look that amazing if you want it to be haha. .
But I am practising. I have alot of time my nails done for work or when I decided to do a manicure.  I think the times at work were the times they really made something special out of it. 

I decided to do my nails myself so now and then and to tell you guys what I did. Which mistakes I made and what you really shouldn't do. I also tell you which nailpolish I used. I think from all that looking at people doing my nails I should be able to do somethings myself too. The nail polish on the picture down I did.
I think that it is not that bad for a first try.

What I did:
I used a pink nail polish to just paint my whole nail pink. After that with a silver/metallic nailpolish I painted a line over the upper part of my nail. How longer my nail was how bigger the upper part.
(Dont put ligther nail polish over darker nailpolish when it is still (even the slightest) wet. You will look totally through it.)

I used:
The dutch glamour brought out some nail polish colors. And this pink one they gave to me. So the name is: Glamour nails hysteric pink.

The silver/metallic is from the brand O.P.I. that will be easier to get when you don't live in The Netherlands ;). The nail color it's name is: Haven't the foggiest. 

If you have a really tiny pencel. Maybe from painting? Use it for the upper line you will get it far straighter and less messy.
You can also buy them really easy at your closest pharmacy or online on places like ebay or anywhere else.

Good luck guys and I hope you make something nice out of it.

Lots of love <3

Instagram/twitter: @lizaschwab

donderdag 24 april 2014

My top 10 series

I am watching at the moment three series.  Two which are busy.  So I can only watch ones a week and the other is I think already finished our at least the first three seasons are finished and I just started it. 
I have to tell you tho... The scary things are less high for me because I really can't stand scary things! !

On number 10 for my top ten series is:
9: walking dead
7: dexter
5:the new girl
4:how I met your mother
3: game of thrones
2: the blacklist

Oh and the last three I like all three as much.  It are just three totally different series and I am watching them all three at the momemt. 

Instagram/twitter: @lizaschwab

dinsdag 22 april 2014

A Honest List......

This will be fun to make. From all the things I want this is a honest list from what I really really want but havn't done yet.

I have never put a tongue piercing, neither did I take a tattoo. How would it feel? The needle on my skin.
I have never played in a movie or sing a song with people around me I dont know. (Singing is not really my best quality 😇😇)
I have no silver jewelery and I have never wacthed a scary tv-serie. Everytime I want to I get so scared I can't sleep for about a week!!
I have never used hard drugs and I am too scared to try it. I think I will never do it neither. I have never done my own make-up really because when I start I already ruin it so I just give up.
I have never used photoshop and I also never have cut someone's hair.
I have never kissed my best (male) friend. And I havn't read the game of thrones books.

Okay okay this is enough before you all get bored. Its really funny tho. You all should try it!! You figure out what you actually want.

Oh and like always: @lizaschwab .. instagram

maandag 21 april 2014

The 10 Most Unique And Stunning Non-Famous Instagram Beauties.

So Yesterday I was scrolling through instragram pictures of girls and at once I saw this girl her picture and I stared at it for so long. It was so pretty.
She gave me the idea to post the 10 most unique and stunning non-famous instagram girls..
I wasn't just searching for a beautiful girls.There are enough girls that are really pretty but they need to have a face you remember and have something different from the rest of all. So Here is my top 10. Oh and after those 10 I got a little something more for you. Just check it out.

Number One:
Name: The Rafaela Avidago
instagram: @Rafaelaavidago
discribtion: Someone Will be prettier
Someone will be smarter,
Someone will be younger,
But they will never be me.

Number two:
Name: Maxime
instagram: @maxime_ramos
discription: Portuguese/ Dutch

Number three
Name: Jessica Strother
instagram: @Jessicaannstrother
discription: Tumblr+Vine+Youtube: Jessicaannstrother
Twitter: @Jessastrother

Number four:
Name: Robin Hölzken
instagram: @Robinholzken
discription: "put up a fight for what you love"

Number five:
Name: Regina Skoroletova
instagram: @Skoroletova
discription: (sorry I don't how to use Russian letters on my computer)

Number six:
Name: Vita Sidorkina
discription: Russian model living in New York City
New York mode management
Fashion Travel Healthy Lifestyle

Number seven:
Name: Sannuh
instagram: @Devriessanne_
discription: 14 year old michamodel

Number eight:
Name: -
instagram: @Monicageuze

Number nine:
Name: Mariina Keskitalo
Instagram: @Mariinakeskitalo
discription: Finnish model

Number ten:
Name: -
instagram: @Dianamatkivkaya
discription: -

This were in my eyes the ten. Ofcourse I don't know every girl on instagram so sorry if I forgot girls or if you don't agree with this. Have fun following those girls or looking at their instagram accounts. I would love to hear your opinion about my list.
Oh and don't forget to check out my own instagram: @lizashwab

I almost forgot here are two more instagram accounts I love, because those cats have amazing futures and expressions. It is so sweet and funny

Name: -
Instagram: @Smushball
Discription: Female Persian Doll Face Cat Born 8.4.13

Name: Captain Horatio & Napoleon
Instagram: @Napoleonandhoratio
Description: Dog and Cat selfies ;)

Lots of Love <3

zondag 20 april 2014

Happy easter

This is just a blog post to wish you all a happy easter!!

Lots of love 💜

Instagram & twitter: @lizaschwab

vrijdag 18 april 2014

Tips For Motivation For SchoolWork

I made this actually for myself, because it is almost exame time. But I will share it with you guys.

Tips why to do you schoolwork now.
They motivate you to start doing it now.

Tip 1. Because everything you do now you don't have to do a day before the examens.

Tip 2. Have all your stuff ready to work on it, so when you feel like doing it you can directly do it and don't first have to search for 2 hours to find everything.

Tip 3. Go to the gym first. It will help you relax and feel good.

Tip 4. Tell everybody else you are going to work on school now so nobody keeps texting you.

Tip 5. Put your phone on silence or even totally away

Tip 6. Remember.... when you have your degree you will be done for life with it.

Tip 7. Everything you dont have to work hard for won't last long. So work hard on school.

Tip 8. Make sure you don't have things to do still like taxes or anything else important it will stay the whole day on your mind.

Tip 9. Don't try to force yourself on it the whole day when it just doesnt work. When you can't concentrate at all. Maybe you should take one day off.

Tip 10. Dont forget to also have fun. Plan especially in the evening after you have done your homework so you dont do it instead of schoolwork..

And last tip 11. Have yourself little presents when you have done a really good job. It will motivate

I hope it helps some of you guys. Don't forget ,Work hard, Play hard!

Lots of love <3

Instagram: @lizaschwab

donderdag 17 april 2014

Tips to buy a birthday present for your father

Tomorrow it is my father his birthday. If there is one thing that every year is hard to find it is a birthday present for my father. 

Because I think I am not the only one who thinks about it like this. I will sort out some tips and share them here with you.

Lets start with to look at what his interest are.

What are your father his interests
Because not everybody likes the same things we are gonna sort it by hobbies or interest. What does your dad likes to do. Does he love to go to the gym, is he a social man who is always around other people, is he 24/7 busy working, is he a reader, is he far more busy with how he looks like then that you are yourself or does he love working in the garden or the house.

The sportive father
Is your father always in the gym, playing football, cycling or busy with any other sport? There are so many things you can give your dad for his birthday. Think of sport socks, a water bottle, a sport pants, sport shoes or a membershop for the local gym.
This are a couple of small exampels but I guess you can think of more yourself now.

Is your father the man who is always around other people?
If your father is the man who is always around other people. Who loves to go out or drink a coffee with friends.
Give him 2 tickets for the cinema or for a football game as example. You can also take him out for dinner. Give him a surprise party with all his friends he hangs out with every day or send him with a friend to the sauna or for a massage. You can think of anything in this direction

Is your father never home because he is always working?
If you father is always busy and never at home because of his work. Then surprise him at his work bring balloons and a cake to his work or send it.
You can plan something with all the people from his work or if he flies around the world for work buy a ticket and go with him. You can think of anything if you keep this as a beginning in your head.

Is your father a reader?
Is your father a reader? Here I have some tips for good books he should read...
Stoner by John Williams - The Hobbit - Interview With A Vampire by Anne Rice...
If you don't like those books or he read this already then google: top 50 new books of 2014.

Is your father always busy improving his looks?
If your father is always busy with his looks try and think of buying him things like perfume, a hair cut at a good hairdresser (remember that good hairdressers are alot of times really expensive). Buy him creme for under his eyes like the one my father likes to use from Jean Paul Gaultier or day or night cremes are also possible.
Today I smelled some really good parfume from 2dsquared, David Beckham and obsession from Calvin Klein.

Does your father like to work in the garden or the house?
Why not give him tools for that? So he can make the garden or the house more beautiful. Also you can buy him a massage in a spa. Lets be honest after hard work you need some rest. For this catogorie I know the less things to give so be creative with the tips I just gave you and find good alternitives on the tips I gave you.

Okay, this were some basis ideas and tips if you can't place your dad in any of the categories remember Parfume, dinner or books are most of the time also good.

Good luck buying a present for your father I bought the parfume instinct from David Beckham for my father for tomorrow. Everybody don't tell him until tomorrow.
Lots of love

Oh and again, my instagram is: @lizaschwab

HELP!! A Instagram-Like Block

So Yesterday evening I hadn't been on instagram for almost the whole day and started to scroll through my timeline and liking the things I wanted to like. After that I went to some friends of mine on instagram and looked if they had posted anything new that I wanted to like.
At one moment I got the notification like you see in the picture below. A instagram-like block. It means that I can't like anything for a while.

They ask you if you want to ignore the message or that you want to react if you think that it isn't fair. I did send around 3 messages to instagram and on none of the message they reacted. What I think is insane.

I searched on the internet and figured some things out about this block. So here is everything I could about it that you maybe want to know. Thinks like how to avoid it and for how long it will stay on.

When do you get a instagram-like block
A instagram-like block comes if you like too many pictures in a short period of time. Like liking pictures for half an hour. In the instagram guide lines I couldn't fine anything about this. Not about after how many likes you get blocked or about after how fast liking pictures. On google people with bots (the fake instagram accounts who just like pictures to get followers) had a discussion about it. By some people they got blocked if they liked for half an hour more then 1 a 70 seconds and someone else didn't goe blocked if he liked for an hour 1 a 57 seconds. So I think you should just not like for more then half an hour pictures. Not that that is something you would do fast.

What if you get a instagram-like block?
Online they say that a instagram-like block stays on for about 24 hours. Mine dissapeard after a night sleep. So I actually think that if you don't go on instagram for about 8 hours, maybe 12 the instagram-like block will be dissapeared.

Are there more instagram blocks?
Yes, instragam has some more blocks. Which some of them are crazy. Instagram has a block for too many comments in a short period of time. And also instagram has a block for people who get too many followers. A new rule is that if you get more then 800 followers a day. Nobody can ever follow you again. Your follow button will not work anymore. I don't know if this is totally true but I am not gonna sit here and find out if that is true.

I hope I helped you guys with this because I got really annoyed by this from instagram. Especially because you can't find anything about it. And now you know where to be careful with.

Lots of love

P.s my instagram is @lizaschwab

woensdag 16 april 2014


I am Liza like you can read in my bio.
I started this blog because I love to write. I have alot of different intrests and I will be writing about all of them. I work in Fashion so I am mostly busy with that. My blog is to help everybody including myself with the things we run into, the decissions that we make and to help with the simple things like getting instagram followers or how to start with a new hobby.
Because all of those things I thought about myself and I am ofcourse not the only one who things about them.
So here is my blog and gonna keep you updated from now on. I hope you like it... if you do please share with your friends. ;)
Lots of love