zaterdag 31 mei 2014

Happy birthday my baby

I just wanted to wish my babe girl thea a happy birthday!  I love you with all my heart and I miss you a lot. 

Baby have a good day we all think of you 😍😍

Lots of love,

vrijdag 30 mei 2014

Mood pics

Sorry sorry sorry for leaving you guys for so long.  I was really busy with my exams.   I promise i will write more.............

Talking about writing. Do you know the feeling that you don't know what mood you are in you feel so many things.  You feel dazed and emotional.  You feel like being alone but can't place anything you feel or think? Actually that's how i feel now.  The pics you see i think show even the most how i feel. 
I promise to write you more.

Lots of love

maandag 26 mei 2014

First time for everything

Wauw this was my first time talking my camera and really taking pictures of some one.  It kind of feels weird.  Lydia is one of the prettiest girls i know already in the first place.  But next to that she helped me out and let me take pictures of her.  Thank you do much love and from now on hoping to get better and better. ..

Lots of love,

woensdag 21 mei 2014

What do we actually want? PERFECTION?!?!

Let's be honest. What do we actually want? We wander around looking at our self, seeing parts of our self we want to change. We see parts of ourself we want to make better. We want to be skinnier, fitter, more breast, more ass. We want to be pumped up, not to be skinny. We don't like our hair color, our skin color. We don't like our freckles or our long nose.

But what do we want?  We all know we want to be perfect! But what is perfection for you? For me perfection is the moment you are proud of yourself on what you have done. If it is something like finishing your diet, finish your school, finaly go on regular basis to the gym or when you are totally recovered from a deep depression. No matter what kind of achievement you get. We are the ones doing it. On that moment, we are and can be proud on ourself. And if you are small or big, tall or short, big breast or small breast, skinny or musled or red hair or blonde. The only one we will have to impress is ourself. So be happy with yourself. And don't make up all those images of what you want to perfect about yourself. But look at yourself and see that you are already perfect.

Lots of love,

Instagram: @lizaschwab

maandag 19 mei 2014

Swimsuit body workout motivation

Here below I post some pics to motivate you to work on your perfect swimsuit body for this summer...

Join me in the gym?

Lots of love,
Liza schwab

Instagram/twitter @lizaschwab

zondag 18 mei 2014

New pictures by Thomas Vording

Yeah. ..... i am going to share some new pictures with you. Made my Thomas Vording..... It is a casual spring day 😍😍

Lots of love,

Instagram/twitter: @lizaschwab

zaterdag 17 mei 2014

Final school examens

So I finally got back my phone. It is totally working again.  This makes me so happy because it means you can call me again and I also can post posts again.

So I am in the middle of my final school exams. I have done already 6 exams and still have to do 3. Until now everything went great. Let's hope I will make the next 3 also great or even better.  I am now preparing for my history exam Monday.

After those exams I have to do in July also exams of all the subject I have done now.  Both count for 50%...

But actually to be honest, the whole main reason of this post is that I wanted to ask you all too think of me next week for my last exams.

Lots of love,

Instagram/twitter: @lizaschwab

maandag 5 mei 2014

Phone reparation

I will not be posting anything for around ten days!! Sorry but I am sending my phone for reparation, Because I do everything on my phone inclusive writing on my blog. I will see you guys back in around ten days. Have a nice day.
Lots of love,
Instagram: lizaschwab

vrijdag 2 mei 2014

Tattoo obsessions

First of all: sorry for posting nothing the last days. I was really busy and have done some amazing things.
I am so obsessed with tattoos! There are so many I really like. You can see some pictures of tattoos I found on the internet which I really like!
I don't know why I like tattoos so much. I have grown into it. First I only liked small things for woman. Now to be honest I like more and more and it really can make me happy to see beautiful tattoos.
I love text. Look at the one of one of the pictures. The text in her lip. I also loved tattoos in lips. I don't exactly know why. But I think because it looks strong in a way. The only bad thing about those tattoos is that they don't last long.
With piercings I just took them really impulsive and took it out when I was done with it. With tattoos I don't do it. Of ofcourse not. Tattoos are permanent.
Please please please send me pictures od tattoos you really like!! I would love to see them!!! Maybe I can get even more inspiration
Lots of love <3,
Instagram: @lizaschwab